‘Perio’ means around, ‘dontium’means tooth. This specialty of dentistry deals with tissues that anchor the tooth in the mouth in health and disease. It involves the basics of oral hygiene to the maintenance of soft tissue integrity in teeth fully / partially restored. An additional domain has unvield the importance of Periodontology in oral rehabilitation using dental implants from their placement to their maintenance. This ambit is further expanded to include a wide aarrary of esthetic enhancement procedures such as depigmentation, surgical crown lengthening and periodontal plastic surgery for soft tissue deficiencies. These therapeutic modalities are ably backed by a state of the art equipment such LASER, microsurgical kit, implant systems, RVG unit to name a few.


The department commenced its long journey of 33 years with the BDS program (1985)  and the MDS program in 1990. Since then it has come a long way and incorporated additional programs such as post doctoral(2006) dental hygienist(1997), value added course for interns(2018 ) and certificate programs in perio-esthetics (2007). It  is an integral component of the certificate program of implantology run by the institute(2012). A total number of  136 students  have been the cumulative beneficiaries of the programs run by the department.


The goal of Periodontics  for an undergraduate student is to provide basic and advanced education in Periodontics for an improved, understanding of periodontal diseases and also to increase their skills in its management. The basic training program includes scaling and root planing, andto provide education regarding advances in dental hygiene practices.

The main objective is to achieve academic excellence and provide best oral health care and impart knowledge regarding prevention of periodontal diseases along withbasic knowledge of dentalImplant.


Periodontology and Oral Implantology is the science dealing with the health and diseases of the investing and supporting structures of the teeth and oral mucous membrane.This is to train the postgraduate efficiently and effectively, backed by scientific knowledge and skills in Periodontology.

The objective is to train a candidate  to ensure higher competence in both general and speciality areas of interest and prepare him/her for a career in teaching, research and speciality practice with a focus on development of knowledge (cognitive domain), Skills (psycho motor domain), human values, ethical practices and soft skills. The students are provided with state of the art equipment and teaching and learning facilities that facilitates them to become accomplished professionals.


The program offers research opportunities for post doctoral scholars in the field of molecular and diagnostic markers of periodontal disease. It focuses on the key trends and recent advances in periodontal disease progression that helps evolve better therapeutic goals to combat the same. These objectives can be achieved with the able backing of research and laboratory facilities at the KLE Dr. Prabhakar Kore basic science research center housed in the premises of the institute. It is offered on a full time basis as a three year program.


Dental hygienist programs provide an opportunity  for the students to hold a diploma (DDH) in dental hygiene. These programs provide the option of a three years (Post SSLC) or two years (post completion of PU2) . Students gain focused knowledge of the profession through classroom teaching clinical posting and compulsory six months of rotational internship.

The curriculum emphasizes on imparting the theoretical and clinical training in various domains such asoral charting, tongue hygiene, denture care and nutrition  that help render a holistic oral care and treatment.


Perio-esthetics and periodontal plastic surgery. It is a modular course spanning over a six month period. It is designed with the objective of training general dentist in the diagnosis and management of minor esthetic soft tissue deficiencies and aberrations that will overall enhance the outcome of the holistic treatment plan of their patients. The course is imparted on an in-house basis utilizing the department infrastructure and faculty expertise.



This program aims to hone cognitive skills of house surgeons enabling them to perform minor surgical procedures like gingivectomy, gingivoplasty, frenectomy, frenotomy and depigmentation in their future general dental practice. This is over and above the prescribed under graduate curriculum.

Dr. Menaka K B

Professor & Head

Dr.Shaila Kothiwale

BDS, MDS (Ph.D.)

Dr. Renuka M. Metgud


Dr. Vinayak Kumbhojkar


Dr. Vinuta Hampiholi


Dr Neelamma. A. Shetti


Dr. Vilas S. Pattar


Dr. Shweta S. Hugar


Dr. Shruti Karvekar


Dr.Apeksha Annigeri B.


Dr. Apoorva G




Chancellor’s Gold medal has been instituted since 2015 and is conferred upon the post-graduate student for  securing the highest marks(minimum 65 percent) in the MDS examination.

ISP COLGATE Award is awarded to undergraduate students for the scoring highest mark in Periodontics in the final BDS examination.

Faculty and postgraduate students have brought laurels in both academic and extracurricular activities at state, national and international fora.

The department was honoured with ‘Best proactive department of Periodontology’ in the year 2016 at 8th International Dental Students & 2nd Dental Surgeons Dental Congress, Organized by Dental Students welfare association of India / Dental Surgeons association of India.


The department  is well equipped with 52 dental chairs including left hand sided working chairs, 26 sets of ultrasonic scaler units, an in house RVG imaging system and basic as well as advanced periodontal  surgical instruments. In addition there are 2 electro surgical units, 1 soft tissue Laser unit (Epic Biolase 940nm) and Nobel Biocare as well as Osstem implant systems. The microsurgery unit is available for the postgraduate students to perform periodontal microsurgical and periodontal plastic surgical procedures.These are well above the mandated requirements of the regulatory body.

The department has a total area of 8578 sq feet that houses spacious seminar room and postgraduate library along with digital learning infrastructure for smooth conduct of teaching programs.

The department also has an additional OPD and treatment facility at the KLEs Dr. Prabhakar Kore hospital and medical research centre. This enables the rendering of basic dental treatment along with periodontal care of in-hospital patients.

Simulation Lab

The Simulation lab helps students make a smooth transition from the preclinical to clinical setting.66 simulation units are clustered in modules that accommodate right- and left-handed students. Each operatory has an adjustable mannequin with a realistic mouth. Students work on typhodont jawsusing high speed motors with step-by-step instructions and faculty guidance.

Undergraduate Clinic

The undergraduate clinic is spacious and well ventilated to accommodate 37 dental chairs. Clinics provide students with the opportunity to practicedentistry in specific fields ofConservative Dentistry and Endodontics using an array of dental materials and equipments.

Postgraduate Clinic

The postgraduate clinic is equipped with 19 latest dental units, magnification tools, microsurgery setup,digitalradiographic technologyand materials needed for comprehensive dental care. The postgraduates are trained to improve their skills in treatment planning and patient management.


Oral Hygiene Day celebrated every year on the 1st of August to Mark the birth anniversary of Dr. G.B. Shankhwalkar founder member of Indian Society of Periodontology. Various activities such as dental camps, Essay competitions are undertaken along with free oral prophylaxis for all patients visiting the department during the entire month of August.

Treatments Modalities

The specialty treatment revolves around restoring the lost periodontal tooth support and comprises of basic procedures such as scaling that helps eliminate local factors such as plaque and calculus that are most commonly found. Furthermore as the severity of disease progresses the modalities that help restore and regenerate lost tissues such as  hard and soft tissue regenerative procedures using bone grafts and membranes,  periodontal plastic surgical procedures etc are taken up. Moving a step further the oral rehabilitation after tooth loss is taken up by placement of dental implants and their subsequent maintenance protocol is also planned and delivered. The use of latest technology such as lasers, electro cautery and microsurgery is harnessed for accomplishing the said procedures.

Events Organised

discourse by Swami Advaitanand of Chainmaya Mission

The NSS Unit of KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, organized a discourse by Swami Advaitanand of Chainmaya Mission for the 1 BDS students on 24th February 2023. He is a Mechanical Engineer by Profession, being inspired by Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda at young age of 18 he began his spiritual his journey with Chinmaya Mission. Swamiji has conducted two (2) courses in English at Powa Ashram and two (2) courses in Hindi at Sidhbari. Swamiji had been posted in Calcutta, USA and presently at the Chinmaya Mission Centre at Nashik.

Swamiji gave the basic lessons of life and shared his experiences in a simple way. He spoke about the DO’S & DONT’S that we need to follow in our routine which helps us to grow spiritually. In this era overall personality development of students is very important to overcome stress & stressors in life.

Swamiji was Welcomed & Introduced by Dr. Vaishali Keluskar Student council Chairman, KLE VKIDS. 1st BDS Students were gathered by Co-ordinator Dr. Manjula M.. Our beloved Principal Dr. Alka Kale presented a fruit basket as token of appreciation.  A book named “Why Do We”  was handed over to all the students by Swamiji. The program was very well appreciated by all and concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Shruti Karvekar, Literary Chairman, Student council, KLE VKIDS.

Since its inception the department has left a prominent footprint in the professional arena amongst its peers by hosting and successfully conducting specialty workshops and conferences at local, regional, state, national and International level. The extension activities conducted under the ambit of oral hygiene day celebrations are a testimony of the social responsibility of rendering quality periodontal care at bare minimum cost.


The department is engaged in research in the thrust areas such as herbal dentistry, lasers, implants,saliva etc. Currently Dr.Nikitha, Dr.Mohit, Dr.RohitaandDr.Mariaare carrying out various research projects in collaboration with various entities and professional organizations such as the Dr.Prabhakar Kore Basic Sciences Research Center, College of Pharmacy, College of Ayurveda to name a few. The department plans to sign MOUs’ and student exchange programs with other reputed universities and institutes in the near future.


The department till date has 116alumni spread across the globe excelling in the field and bringing fame to the almamater. The alumni share their knowledge and skills by conducting workshops and continuing educational programmes. Our alumni are working in various capacities as Deans/ Principals at various institutions in India. Few have occupied posts in different governing, regulatory bodies and armed forces.

Shri arabindo Institute Dental College, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Dr. Kanteshwari Kumathalli, Principal

Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College, Sangli

Dr. Vidya Doddwad, Principal

A.J. Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore

Dr. Nandini Manjunath, Vice-Principal
Major, Dr. Amit Parashar, Indian Army


I am fortunate and lucky to be part of kLE institute of dental sciences, Belgaum, one of the premier institutions in the country with state of art infrastructural facilities in college, library, hostels, recreation and many more. I was trained by very eminent and dedicated teaching faculty who encouraged me to carry out many research activities with critical thinking and constructive criticism which has made me grow with confidence to face challenges in patient management. As a student, I have gained practical skills, communication skills, compassion towards patient care .this tradition i am passing on to my students. I acknowledge my teachers Dr.R.P.Nayak,Dr.Meenaxisood, Dr.Ranjanamohan, Dr.Aarathinayak for their selfless teaching, special mention to Dr.Alka kale ma’am for ever being friendly and supportive and to all my colleagues for sharing knowledge.


MajoAmbooken. Professor & Head Dept of Periodontics and Oral Implantology, presently working at Mar Baselios Dental College Kothamangalam Kerala.Dentistry at KLE was one of the landmark life changing experience that happened in my life. I had decided to become a dentist after my puc and enquiring about Dental schools and was fortunate enough to meet Dr.S.S.KERHA Sir in the year 1985 and sir directed me to join this this great Institutions ” The KLE’S DENTAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL BEIGAUM. At the Sight of the campus I made my decision to be a student of this esteemed institution.I along With39 other friends from different parts of India and Iran became the pioneers to graduate from this great Institutions. The forsight of the management especially Mr.PrabakarKore Chairman KLE society, Late Dr. SS Kerha Sir our First Dean and Dr. DV Nadgir areunforgettable . The foundation in medical subjects laid down by the Medical staff helped us to become perfect Dental Doctors.  We had the very best commited Dental Teachers and all the facilities , equipments and materials required for the best of our training. There was a high level of commitment from all the staff and Teachers that their friendly nature never  made us Home sick. We had access to the best gadgets avaliable from any were in the world for our training . Once you do your Degree from KLE one cannot think of doing your post-graduation any were else that was the bond each of develop to the Institution  when in KLE. I Came back after taking a break of 4 years to do my post-graduation in periodontics and the institute was then Headed By the soft spoken , well experienced and friendly Dr. S.V. Bagawat sir. I Belonged to the Fifth batch of postgraduates in periodontics department and this  was the second best thing that happened in my Dental Career. The Department was headed by Late Dr. R.N. Deshpandhe who was great human being and a commited teacher who always gave us a freehand to work and learn and provided all the materials for clinical work and research. Dr.RanjanaMohan ,Dr.ArathiNayak, and Late Dr.SudhirPatil were our dear teachers who helped us a lot in developing our clinical skills during our  PG program. I was also prevelaged to have one of my batchmate Dr. ShylaPatil as our lecturer in the department . All put together KLE Experience in Making me what  I am today has many more stories to add…and that is why I try to make it to all Alumni meet in the campus with out fail. Wishing Dr.Alka Kale Madam and team the very best.

Dr.MajoAmbooken, Mar Baselios Dental College Kothamangalam Kerala

I, Dr. Divya Bhat, did my post graduation in Periodontics, at KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences from 2006 to 2009. The college has an excellent infrastructure for both academic and extra curricular activities. Departments are large and possess the latest equipment. Patient flow is also very good. Library is well stocked with latest journals as well as back volumes. Reading rooms are spacious. Sports complex is well equipped. Hostel rooms are clean and well maintained.

Teachers are experienced and well respected in their fields. Department of Periodontics provides a good learning environment with motivating and engaging faculty. Overall a good place to study.

Dr. Divya Bhat

Greetings from Dr. NitinSaroch,KLE institute of dental sciences has always been a pioneer institute in imparting quality dental education in India. As a new post graduate student when I entered this college, I found that the teaching staff in the college was quite knowledgeable and academically oriented. My journey as a post graduate student was a wonderful experience. My guide was Dr. PushpaPatil who gave me enough freedom to carry on my academic activities. I learned a lot from all my teachers at that time. Fortunately, I had some wonderful seniors, who were helpful then and today also. Similarly, I found some wonderful juniors also who helped me a lot throughout my post-graduation.

As you may know that I am author of two books, “Periobasics: A textbook of periodontics and Implantology” and “Textbook of basic sciences for MDS students”. I would not have been able to write these books if my basic understanding of the subject was not good. I give full credit to my teachers and seniors to whatever I know today in the field of Periodontics and Implantology.

At last, I would like to say that every student who is in KLE institute of dental sciences is very fortunate to be here. Please make the best use of this opportunity and work hard.

Best wishes,

Dr. NitinSaroch.

Dr. Nitin Saroch

Tribute to my department and my college

My journey from DrManasShukla BDS to DrManasShukla MDS is the one that can be termed as the turning point of my life. Today when I stand in the gallery of my awards and accolades the picture of my institute KLE VKIDS Belgaum flashes in front of me and the amount of hardwork and perseverance that my teachers , my seniors and my peers had put on me seems fulfilled. No words are enough to thank my department and college.

Since I left KLE I have become a Periodontist and Implantologist of esteem in my city.

1) I am an international speaker and have already represented India in World Dental Conference Kualalumpur Malaysia 2019.

2) I was the guest speaker at Adesh Dental College And University, Bhatinda where I delivered a 3 hour lecture ,which was followed by a live surgery in a patient. This event was telecasted live on State channels and was also live on youtube.

3) I am a master trainer in Sigdent implant system and was associated as a master trainer with Alpha Bio implant system.

4) I am also a certified Basal Implantologist in addition to routine conventional implantology since past 5 years.

5) I am the chief mentor in the implant training academy with the name of Dentskillz.

6) In addition to this I was awarded the best dental surgeon of Kanpur in 2015 and this event was telecasted live in the prime time of NDTV.

7) I have also co authored a book Herbs in Periodontology along with my guide and mentor Dr Shaila V Kothiwale.

8) I am the speaker at various webinars conducted by various systems about immediate functional and non functional loading of conventional and basal implants.

9) During COVID 19 crisis time also I have been continuously been online with several webinars and Q & A regarding oral health care during pandemics.

If I have to attribute whatever I have achieved in my career till now I have to mention Department of Periodontology, VKIDS Belgaum. Though I only did my Post Graduation from KLE but the education and manners installed in me have been a guiding force throughout. A home away from Home KLE VKIDS will always have a special place in my life. No words will be enough to express my gratitude.

Dr. Manas Shukla , MDS Peridontology

It gives me immense pleasure and great pride when I say I am an alumni of the prestigious KLE University, VKIDS Department of Periodontics and Implantology Belagavi. The 3 years at the department has been a very knowledgeable and career building experience.  I have been very fortunate to have such wonderful teachers to learn from and still continuing to learn, who give u major goals to achieve.

The entire faculty and department, even the non teaching staff  have been very friendly and helpful. The infrastructure of the department is of very high standards.

Huge respect, love and devotion to all the staff members and department, it is their efforts that make me what I am today “A Better Professional”.

Dr Shweta Halemani , , Tutor Department of Periodontics Government Dental College and Research Institute, Ballari.

MDS (Periodontology), FAGE, FPFA, FIBFO

Graded Specialist

(PG Batch: 2010-2013)

It’s a privilege to write this testimonial for the college which is almost a second home for me. KLE’s VKIDS is a premier dental college in the country imparting high-quality dental education since more than 35 years, not only to the students from across India but also from abroad. The college is known for its highly experienced, committed & caring faculty, eco-friendly campus, excellent infrastructure with all the modem equipments for teaching & training as well as patient care. The students here also get ample opportunities to learn the fine arts of dentistry, communication skills, ethics, professionalism, and scientific writing. The college not only serves as an excellent patient care facility but also for teaching & training of dental students with ample clinical workload, hands-on learning, simulation-based training, etc.

Dr. Maj Amit Parashar, MDS (Periodontology), FAGE, FPFA, FIBFO Graded Specialist

KLE BELGAUM: My “Alma Mater ”

It is my privilege to pen a few words about my experience at one of the most premier universities in the country that has been fruitful and fulfilling in my life.

KLE Dental at Belgaum has highly intellectual faculty who trained us using cutting edge technologies and who taught best practices in dentistry that

catapulted my thought process and skills to the next level.

Although my time spent there was for three years, they were filled with opportunities, knowledge, and friendships that would last a lifetime.

I’m thankful to my college and University for providing me an amalgamation of professional growth alongside personal growth with sports and cultural being part of our lives too. I stay confident with my experiences gained at KLE that would certainly propel my career to greater heights.

I will always cherish my time spent at KLE then…now and always!

With fond memories and regards,  Dr.Remya RM

Dr.Remya RM