Dr. Alka Kale

Dr. Tejraj Kale

Dr. Menaka K.B

Dr. Suresh Shenvi
Joint Secretary

Dr. Mahantesh Bembalagi

Dr. Manjula

Dr. Hema Kanathila


Event Organize

Workshop on Capacity building in futuristic educational constructs

A workshop on Capacity building in futuristic educational constructs was conducted through DDE Of KLE VKIDS and UDEHP of KAHER on 17 and 18 of Aug 2023 with objective of updating the faculty to incorporate technology and research in teaching and learning. There were 28 faculty participants, out of which 7 participants were external. The resource persons were, Dr Pradnya Kakodkar and Dr Jyotsna S and the co-ordinator of the wksp was Dr Zameera Naik.

The participants expressed a sense of deep learning and requested for similar wksps in future.

Faculty Development Program on “Professionalism”

Faculty Development Program on “Professionalism”
Date: 20/10/2022
Speakers: Dr.Neelamma Shetti, Reader,Dept. Periodontics KLEVKIDS
Dr.Shruti Karvekar, Lecturer KLEVKIDS

Alumni Guest Lecture Series “Intersection of Health Care & Technology: An Entrepreneurial Mindset”

Alumni Guest Lecture Series “Intersection of Health Care & Technology: An Entrepreneurial Mindset”
Date: 5/12/2022
Speaker: Dr.Pragya Singh, Product Manager, AI Projects-III, IIT Hyderabad

Guest lecture on “The Secret of Life & Living Well”

Guest lecture on “The Secret of Life & Living Well”
Date: 16/12/22
Speaker: Dr.Ashok Kumar

Workshop on Research Methodology for Interns

Workshop on Research Methodology for Interns
Date:21st & 22nd Dec 2022
Speakers: Dr.Neelamma Shetti
Dr.Snehalatha Narvekar
Dr.Laxmi Kabra
Dr.Namrata Patil
Dr.Vijaylaxmi Shettar

Alumini Series Guest Lecture as a part of G V Black Week Celebrations

Alumini Series Guest Lecture as a part of G V Black Week Celebrations by Department of Conservative and Endodontics
Speaker: Dr. Neha Chasatia, Consultant, Private Practioner, Surat.
Date: 1/10/22

Guest Lecture on “Human Jaw Evolution”

Guest Lecture on “Human Jaw Evolution”
Speaker: Dr. Resham Pakhmode, Periodontologist and Implantologist Bombay
Date: 8/10/2022

Faculty Development Program on” Mini CEX” [Mini Clinical Examination]

Faculty Development Program on” Mini CEX” [Mini Clinical Examination] Speakers: 1. Dr.K M Keluskar Professor, Dept. Orthodontics, KLEVKIDS.
2. Dr.Anand Badavannavar Reader, KLEVKIDS.
Date: 22/9/2022

Undergraduate Orientation Program for 3RD BDS

Undergraduate Orientation Program for 3RD BDS
Date: 19/9/22 to 22/9/22

Workshop on “Audio/podcasting & using social media”

Workshop on “Audio/podcasting & using social media”
Speaker: 1. Dr.Suresh Shenvi, Reader Dept. Conservative & Endodontics, KLEVKIDS.
Date: 3/9/2022

  • Inauguration of 25th Scientific Convention. Hosted by Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery with theme “Staying Apart Yet Together-Blending with Time” Date: 10/3/2022 to 12/3/2022
  • Release of PERCEPTIONS Bulletin

Faculty Sensitization lecture on – “Making sense of DOPS”.
Speakers: Dr. Poorvi Ghanti, Lecturer, Dept. of OMFS Date:5/5/2022

Sensitization lecture on Identification of Slow and Fast learners.
Speaker: Dr. Alka Kale Date: 10/6/2022
Faculty Sensitization lecture on Advancements in Teaching Methodologies through IT
Speakers: Dr.Anand Badavannava & Dr.Chetan Belaldavar Date:16/6/2022

DDE Guest Lecture organized by Dept. Prosthodontics, Crown & Bridge on Financial Management Speakers: 1.Mr. S.M Khannukar (Charted Accountant) 2.Mr. Kapil Kalbhairav( Certified Financial Planer) Date:29/6/2022

Topic: Regional Seminar on Palliative Care on 15th July 2022
Dr.Mohit Pal Singh Vice-Principal, Professor & HOD, Dept.Oral Medicine & Radiology Pacific Dental College & Hospital Udaipur.



The Department of Dental Education is a vital part of KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences. Since its inception this department has evolved to cater to the ever- growing and diverse demands of continuing professional education. This document aims to provide detailed information about the Department of Dental Education starting from its inception and through its journey.


The Department of Dental Education (DDE) was established in the year 1997. This department is the first of its kind in the country and owes its creation to the visionary faculty Dr R. N. Deshpande, head of Periodontics, Dr. M. V. Lele, head of Oral Pathology, Dr Alka Kale, Dr K.M. Keluskar and Dr Pradeep Shetye.


The goal of dental educationist is to produce dentist who are prepared to serve the fundamental purposes of dentistry. For this dental educationist must possess the attributes that are necessary for effective teaching, for their individual needs and collective responsibilities to the society in general. The mission of oral health care professions is to be professional leaders through inter-professional collaboration, practice and academic excellence in education.


Our vision is to equip and prepare teachers in dental colleges to implement effective and innovative teaching strategies, fair assessment practices and also participate in curriculum planning, and research and scholarly activities and to stay updated with innovative practices in patient care.
1. To publishing of DDE bi-annual bulletin
2. To conduct programs for continuing professional development of its teachers and students
3. To develop quality education systems by training through CDE programs and faculty development programs every year for in-house and external faculty of dental colleges.
4. To conduct orientation programs for newly appointed teaching faculty.

Implementation :

1. The DDE publishes a biannual bulletin with articles on topics such as challenges in dental education, review articles, and trivia. The contributors to this bulletin are teaching faculty undergraduate students, interns and post graduates students.

2. The DDE conducts programs for continuing professional development of its teachers and students. The programs are divided into continuing dental education programs under which guest lectures and workshops are arranged for continued clinical excellence and Faculty development programs under which workshops are arranged for faculty to enhance their skills as teachers.

3. The department conducts several CDE programs and faculty development programs every year for in-house and external faculty with the objective to create high quality education systems and train dental college faculty.

4. The DDE routinely conducts orientation programs for newly appointed teaching faculty through the university.

5. Orientation programs are conducted for the new entrants for the undergraduate and postgraduate programs and interns. Acclimatization of UG students is done before they enter the clinics.

6. Annual Scientific convention of three days duration is held with specific theme, organized by departments on rotation. The convention includes : A pre- convention scientific programme where undergraduate students participate for oral and poster presentations. The two main days of convention includes guest lectures, scientific presentations by Interns, Postgraduates and faculty. Other interesting activities include quiz, debate and table clinics.

3. BYE- LAWS of DDE Declaration :

The following shall be the rules and the regulations (Subject to such modifications as made from time to time in accordance with the provisions made here under) of “Department of Dental Education” under the Parent Body namely „KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi‟ earlier called the Scientific Society.


a. To promote and encourage scientific activities & research.
b. To impart & enhance dental education.
c. To publish a Dental Journal/ Bulletin


a. Ordinary Members: – Ordinary Members shall have the right to vote and to be members of the governing council of DDE. These should be the present members of the teaching staff of the Parent body. The annual subscription for ordinary members shall be Rs 250=00 (Two hundred and fifty) per year and membership needs to be paid before 30th September of each year.
b. Honorary Members: – DDE may enroll, on the recommendation of its governing council, any registered Dental graduate, as an honorary member. Such members however shall have no right to vote or to be members of the Governing council.
c. Non Dental Honorary Members: Non Dental Honorary Members can only be in the category of patrons. Such members will not have the right to vote or to be on the governing council.
d. Associate Members: Past staff, PG‟s and other dental practitioners can be associate members. Such members will not have voting rights. Annual subscription fees shall be of Rupees 150=00 (One hundred and fifty rupees) per year as membership fees to be paid before 30th September of each year.
e. Student Members: The UG, Interns and PG students are considered as student members. The annual subscription fees for UG students and Interns shall be of Rupees 100=00( One hundred) and for PG students shall be Rupees 150=00 (One hundred and fifty)


a. Fellow: Any eligible member who will pay a fee of Rs.250/-
b. Patron: Any individual or a corporate body that will donate Rs.5,000/


a. Can vote at the annual general body meeting or at the special general body meeting of the DDE.
b. Can be a member of governing council of the DDE.
c. Can seek financial assistance from the DDE for activities which embrace the aims and objectives of the DDE by laws.
d. Honorary member, associate and student members can participate in all the academic activities of the DDE.
e. Any member of the DDE is entitled to inspect the records, of the DDE after a written application.


a. If a member wished to resign, he/she must apply in writing to the governing council. Resignation shall not entitle a member for refund of the fees or of the donation.
b. A member whose acts are deemed to be prejudicial towards the interests of the DDE shall be disqualified. The disqualification can be done by the General body on the recommendation of the governing council and only if two-thirds of the attending member vote for it. The disqualified member is not entitled for a refund of the fees paid.


The governing council shall be constituted as follows :
Chairman : The Principal of the parent body will hold the post of chairman.
Co-coordinator : The organizing secretary of the Scientific convention of the previous year will be the coordinator .
Member Secretary: One secretary shall be elected from the ordinary members who has been member of the DDE for a minimum of 2 years.
Joint Secretary: One joint secretary shall be elected from the ordinary members who has been in the DDE for a minimum of two years.
Treasurer: One treasurer shall be elected from the ordinary members of the DDE.
Editor: One editor shall be elected from ordinary members of the DDE.
Co- editor: One editor shall be elected from ordinary members of the DDE.
Executive Member: Head of all dental departments shall be Executive Committee (EC) members.
Co-opted members: The governing council shall have the right to co-opt 2 members of the council if necessary. They shall be from ordinary members of the DDE.
The term duration for the governing council shall be of 2yrs.


The Secretary shall notify the ordinary members of the post on the governing council at least four weeks prior to the date of the Annual General Body Meeting. The nomination for the vacancies, duly proposed and seconded, shall be received by secretary in the prescribed form at least ten days before the meeting. In case valid nominations exceed the number of vacancies, election shall be held by ballot at the annual general body meeting. Every member present shall vote for all the posts of governing council. Casting more than one single vote in favor of one single candidate will render the voting paper invalid. Casual vacancies on the governing council shall be filled by co-option and such co-opted members shall hold office for the current business year.


1) Ordinary Meeting – The Governing Council shall meet not less than once in a month. The date for the meeting shall be notified by the secretary at least 07 days in advance. The quorum shall consist of minimum of 50% of members. In the absence of quorum the meeting may be adjourned and re-conveyed after half an hour. A quorum is not necessary for the adjourned meeting. All decisions at the meeting shall be by simple majority.
2) Special Meetings – These can be convened by the chairman, or in absence of the chairman, by the co-ordinator. A requirement attested by at least four members of the Governing Council shall be necessary to convene a special meeting.
3) Attendance at Meeting – Any member who fails to attend two consecutive meetings without obtaining prior leave of absence shall cease to be a member of the Governing Council
4) Function and Powers of the Governing Council:
a) To organize activities and to raise funds for the DDE.
b) To formulate the broad guiding principle for activities of the body.
c) To sanction funds for the activities of members after scrutinizing the proposals that is received. The power of the Governing Council in sanctioning funds for a single activity shall be limited to maximum of Rs.10,000/-. An activity costing more than this amount will have to be approved by the general body. While any fund routed through the DDE can be disbursed, entirely leaving 5% of the amount toward the DDE fund.
d) To purchase or otherwise acquire for the DDE any item or property on such terms and condition as thought fit with the provision that any single item involving an expenditure over Rs.1000/- shall require a prior sanction of the general body.
e) The funds gathered from any activity of DDE belong to the DDE. To invest the funds of the DDE in investments of DDE also rests with the Governing Council. The activities of DDE shall be carried out from the interest that occurs from the donations received. The capital asset of DDE cannot be spent for its running. Only the amount received for specific activity could be so utilized, after deduction of 5% of such grants and crediting this sum for the expenses of the DDE.
f) To appoint sub-committees or boards to carry out specific functions.
g) To publish biannual bulletin and to take necessary steps for this purpose.
5) Functions of the Chairman and Co-ordinator – The Chairman shall preside over all meeting of the Governing Council and the General Body of DDE. In the absence of the Chairman, the co-ordinator shall perform the functions of the Chairman at such meetings.
6) Functions of the co-ordinator – He / She shall chair all the meetings of the Governing Council and the General Body of DDE, in the absence of the Chairman. If the elected governing council does not conduct the activities of DDE regularly the right to dissolve the Governing Council lies with the co- ordinator.
7) Functions of the Secretary – the Secretary will be responsible to the Governing Council. He/she will divide the duties with the joint secretary. In absence of the Secretary, joint secretary shall act as the secretary.
a) To convene meeting of the Governing Council as per conditions and maintain the minutes of the meeting.
b) To maintain the records of DDE and carry out the routine correspondence on behalf of DDE.
c) To prepare the Annual report of DDE
d) To carry out such work as the governing council will request him/her to do.


a) He/She shall receive subscriptions, handle the funds and make payments on behalf of DDE.
b) He/She shall maintain correct accounts of the funds and other assets of DDE or those that are controlled by DDE.
c) He/She shall prepare a statement of accounts to be audited by the certified audition appointed at the Annual General Body Meetings.
Note : In the absence of the treasurer, the secretary may in consultation with the Chairman or in his/her absence, the co-ordinator may transact urgent business of the governing council.


1) The General Body shall be constituted by the ordinary members only.
2) The annual general body meeting of DDE shall be held not later than 31st March every year. The meeting shall be covered after a prior notification given not less than four week in advance.
3) The following items shall be brought before the Annual General Body Meeting:-
a) Annual report of DDE
b) Progress report of the activities of the previous year.
c) Audited statement of the accounts of DDE
d) Election of Governing Council after termination of the term.
4) Any member who desirous to move a resolution at the meeting shall give a written notice to the secretary at least two weeks before the date of the meeting.
5) All decisions at the meeting except the election of the office bearers shall be by a show of hands.
6) 15 members shall form a quorum for a meeting. For want of a quorum the meeting needs to be adjourned only for half an hour and reconvened. The adjourned meeting shall not need a quorum and shall transact the business on the agenda.
7) Special requisition of General Body Meeting: This can only be called by the chairman either at his/her own will or upon a requisition in writing by not less than one third of the ordinary members of DDE. The requisition must be made to the Chairman and must state the object of the Meeting. If admissible the special meeting shall be convened within thirty days of the receipt of the requisition and after a notification of not less than 15 days before the date of meeting. The special requisitioned general body meeting must have a quorum of one third of the regular members and shall be abandoned if there is no quorum.


1) Accounts – The DDE shall maintenance accounts in approved bank or banks. The account shall be in the name of the chairman, the treasurer and the secretary and shall be jointly operated by any two as follows :-
a) The Treasurer and Secretary
b) The Treasurer and the Chairman.
2) Auditing of Accounts:- Registered auditors shall be appointed at the Annual General Body Meeting. The honorarium shall be fixed by the General Body.
3) The financial year of the DDE shall be from 1st Feb. to 31st Jan. In the first year of its existence the financial year shall be from the date of inception plus one financial year as defined above. This condition also applies to the office bearers of the governing council.


DDE shall have the powers to add, to amend, repeal or modify any of the following rules by a majority of the members present and voting at a special
general body meeting convened for the purpose, provided that no modification or alternation or amendments or repeal of any rules shall be made which may have direct or indirect effect of subverting any of the aims and objectives of DDE.


The DDE may be use or used in the name of Chairman


Every member of the governing council shall be indemnified out of the funds of DDE against through his/her own willful neglect or by default. Every such member shall be chargeable only for such money as they shall themself actually receive, in discharge of the business of and shall be answerable only for his/her own acts, neglects and defaults and not for those of any person, not for the insufficiency or any securities upon which any of money belonging to DDE may be invested not any loss or damage which may happen in the discharge of his/her duties, unless the same shall have happened through his/her own willful neglect or default.


The annual scientific convention is a program conducted by the KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi for the benefit of all students and faculty of the college. This program provides a platform to students and staff to exchange ideas and advance their knowledge and therefore participants are encouraged to present papers/posters on original research and reviews.
The protocol for the conduct of scientific convention has to be followed and is described below:
1. The Scientific Convention will be conducted in the month of February every year. A three-day program will be planned and conducted (One day pre-convention (for undergraduate students) and two days of main convention).
2. The Organizing Committee (OC) my choose a theme and call for presentations pertaining to the theme.
3. Create a Brochure / Communication circular which contains information on registration fees, organizing committee members, detailed scientific program, speakers, sessions, guidelines for scientific presentations.
4. Registration
a. All interns, post graduate students and teaching staff of the college have to register for the two-day program. UG students to register for the pre- convention programme.
b. The amount for registration will be decided by the organizing committee after working out the budget for the conduct of the program on approval of the EC.
c. 5% of the registration fees should be donated to the DDE account.
d. All registrations must be completed at least 10 days before the scientific convention
e. Registration kit may include a folder, note pad, and pen.
5. Banners and certificates for participation / resource persons/ judges/ chairpersons should be arranged by the OC. The banners and certificates should carry the logos of KAHER, KL VK Institute of Dental Sciences and DDE.
6. Souvenir – A book/ (e book or CD) containing details of the program and abstracts will be made by the OC. A copy of the souvenir has to be submitted to the IQAC and DDE.
7. Sponsors – The OC is encouraged to find sponsors for the event.
8. Scientific presentations

a. Paper presentations
i. Oral presentations are accepted from interns, PG students, staff and undergraduate students.
ii. Abstracts will have to be submitted one in advance to the scientific committee of the organizing department.
iii. The scientific committee will screen the abstracts and make their selection known to participants.
iv. The duration of each presentation will be 8+2 minutes.
v. Scientific papers may be categorized as original research / review / case reports / case series.
vi. The papers will have to be categorized into each type and allotted to corresponding sessions. Judging of papers will be done for each sessions. There will be two best papers for each category – original research/ review/ case report/ case series.

b. Poster presentation
i. The scientific committee will screen the abstracts and make their selection known to participants.
ii. The duration of each presentation will be 2+1 minutes
iii. Posters may include original research / review / case report / case series.
iv. The posters will have to be categorized into each type and allotted to corresponding sessions. Judging of poster will be done for each session.
v. There will be two best posters for each category – original research/ review/ case report/ case series.

9. Keynote address
a. The organizing committee will organize 2 or 3 key note addresses by eminent speakers in the field of interest to dentistry.
b. The TA/DA for guest speakers will be as per Bylaws.

10. Selection of chairpersons for scientific sessions and judges : the OC shall bear the responsibility of identifying chairpersons and judges. A written request for chairing the session and / or judging should be given. After completing the task certificate should be awarded.

11. Inauguration program
a. A formal inauguration program of 15 min will be arranged by the organizing committee. The keynote speaker of first session may be invited as the chief guest.
b. The inauguration will consist of
i. Welcoming the chief guest and dignitaries
ii. Lighting the lamp
iii. Welcome address by organizing committee chairperson
iv. Floral tribute to dignitaries
v. Annual report reading by DDE Secretary
vi. Release of the souvenir

12. Valedictory program
a. A concluding valedictory program will be conducted on the second day of the scientific convention after completing all the sessions.
b. Awards for all presentations will be announced and given. Certificates of appreciation to the organizing committee be distributed.

13. Post-convention submission of documents
A file containing the following documents should be submitted to the DDE within 15 days of completing the convention.
a. Souvenir
b. Names of keynote speakers with their contact details (Address, phone number, email ID) and title of presentation
c. List of all participants (staff and students on separate list) with dental council registration
d. Photographs of the events (Soft copies)
e. List of prize winners with title of presentations
f. Accounts of the convention

DDE Bulletin – Perception

Instructions to authors for submission to perceptions Types of submissions
1. Original research
2. Reviews
3. Letter to the editor
4. Jokes and trivia
5. Case reports
6. Innovations in dentistry
7. Quiz/ crossword puzzles
8. Current issues and challenges in dental education

Submission of manuscripts – Author guidelines

One copy of the manuscript with soft copy has to be submitted. Use size 12 & double spacing and side margins of 1 inch on all sides. Use legends and references for illustrations. Begin each of the following sections on separate pages: title page, abstract and keywords, text, acknowledgements, references, individual tables with numbers & title.
Title page : The title pages should names, designation and affiliations of all authors. Abstract : The second page should carry the title and abstract of no more than 200 words. The abstract should state the purpose of the study/ investigation/review/case report, basic procedures, main findings, and principal conclusions. Subheads should not be used in the abstract. Keywords should be added under the abstract.
Manuscript : The body of the manuscript should be divided into sections preceded by appropriate subheads. Major subheads should be typed in capital letters at the left hand margin. Secondary subheads should appear at the left hand margin and be typed in upper and lower case and be underlined.


Number references consecutively in the order in which they first appear in the text. Identify references in Arabic numerals and place them as superscript numerals within the sentence. Do not link the numbers in footnotes or endnotes. References cited only in tables or legends to figures should appear as a source note to the table or figure