Conserving and maintaining teeth affected by disease, developmental disturbances and trauma to optimum health and esthetics is the basis of education and patient care in this department. This is achieved by scientifically designed academic and research programs and evidence-based treatments that are offered with the intent to improve the oral health and general well-being of the patient.
The Department has been functioning since the inception of this prestigious institution in 1985 under Karnatak University, Dharwad and was recognized by the Dental Council of India and Govt. of India in 1989. Postgraduate training programme was started in 1991 and recognized in 1994 for 02 Post Graduate Students. From academic year 1996-97, the department started functioning under Rajiv Gandhi University. From the year 2006 our college acquired deemed status with 05 post graduates for every academic year. A certificate course on “Excellence in Esthetics” is started from 2007. The department has excelled under the able leadership of Dr S V Bhagwat and the department alumni in his recognition instituted the Roll of honor “Dr. S V Bhagwat Gold medal”, awarded in this specialty for the best outgoing postgraduate student since the year 2011.
The educational goals of this program are to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve competency in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of wasting diseases, caries, and its sequelae. It is achieved by offering the student an integrated experience in didactics, preclinical exercises and patient care with an emphasis on differential diagnosis emergency care and interdisciplinary treatment using the latest dental restorative materials and technology.
The goal of the postgraduate program is to train students who can practice the specialty of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and teach the discipline. The candidates receive extensive clinical and biomedical education together with experience in teaching and research. The curriculum includes restorative, esthetic and adhesive dentistry, nonsurgical root canal therapy, endodontic retreatment, surgical root canal therapy vital pulp therapy, and dental trauma with the utilization of digital radiography, operating microscopes, lasers, various biomaterials and many other aspects of the specialty.
The Department has a dedicated Ph.D program under the aegis of KLE Academy of Higher Education And Research, recognized by the University Grants Commission and MHRD and encourages research in the field of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics. The department is well equipped to support the high quality research.
“Excellence in Esthetics” is a module-based university certificate program that is designed to provide an advanced level of education in Esthetic Dentistry. The training includes both simple and complex methods of smile reconstruction including teeth whitening, direct composite restorations, porcelain laminate veneers, all-ceramic and porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns.
The department has introduced ’MOLAR ENDODONTICS FOR INTERNS ‘’ (Root Canal Treatment on extracted mandibular molar tooth using hand instruments) with an aim to provide basic knowledge about molar root canal therapy. The interns acquire adequate knowledge of root canal anatomy of molar teeth, endodontic hand instruments and material required for the procedure. The students will perform RCT on extracted mandibular molar using endodontic hand instruments.
Dr. Sonal Joshi |
Dr.Hemalatha |
Dr. Anand C Patil |
Dr. Sunita Shivanand |
Dr. Neha Dhaded |
Dr. Suresh Shenvi |
Dr. Sneha Patil |
Dr Sannidhi Gothe |
Dr. Mateen Peerzade |
Dr.Aishwarya Awati |
Dr.Vishwanath Mamadapur |
Dr.Sandhya |
Dr.Neeraj Godbole |
Dr.Vaidehi Dhopavkar |
The main research focus is on material sciences, endodontics and esthetic dentistry. The department is involved in several randomized control trials on endodontic instruments, novel canal disinfection techniques and alternative intracanal medicaments. This is reflected through the publications and patents
A total of 50 Research projects (Dissertations & Short term Projects) have been completed in the last 5 years (2016-2020). The details are as follows
The staff and students have represented the Department at various curricular and co-curricular events at National & International events and have brought laurels to the Institute. The details from 2016-2020 are as follows:
Simulation Lab
The Simulation lab helps students make a smooth transition from the preclinical to clinical setting.66 simulation units are clustered in modules that accommodate right- and left-handed students. Each operatory has an adjustable mannequin with a realistic mouth. Students work on typodont jaws using high-speed motors with step-by-step instructions and faculty guidance.
Undergraduate Clinic
The undergraduate clinic is spacious and well ventilated to accommodate 37 dental chairs. Clinics provide students with the opportunity to practice dentistry in specific fields of conservative Dentistry and Endodontics using an array of dental materials and equipment.
Postgraduate Clinic
The postgraduate clinic is equipped with 19 latest dental units, magnification tools, microsurgery setup, digital radiographic technology, and materials needed for comprehensive dental care. The postgraduates are trained to improve their skills in treatment planning and patient management.
Dental Photography Workshop
A two-day “Dental Photography Workshop” led by distinguished speaker Dr. Mayur Dawda, focusing on essential photography techniques relevant to the field of Conservative dentistry and endodontics was conducted on 5th & 6th Nov 2024
11 KLE Postgraduates along with 5 postgraduates from SDM, Dharwad participated actively, in this workshop. The workshop was appreciated for its valuable insights and hands-on experience in photography tailored to dental professionals.
Guest Lecture

Dr. Neha Dhaded delivered a Guest Lecture on “Gender Sensitization” on 22nd Oct 2024 at KAHER’S Jagadguru Gangadhar Mahaswanigalu Moorusavirmath medical college, Hubbali
Dr Suresh Shenvi Delivered a lecture on 22nd September 2024 Surat, titled
The department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics celebrated Dr G V Black Week on 9th to 14th Sept 2024. On 10th Sept 2024, Dr Srilatha delivered a lecture on Precision in practice: clinical and scientific Perspective of guided endodontics
Lecture took us into the world of technology driven, contemporary treatment approach that represents a paradigm shift in endodontics. Dr Sonal Joshi extended her gratitude to Dr Srilatha for her exceptional teaching and unwavering support in inspiring our students to explore the fascinating world of guided Endodontics. The event was attended by post graduate students. Dr Neha Dhaded introduced the speaker and gave the vote of thanks.
Dr Sonal Joshi delivered a Lecture on 19th September 2024, titled New buzz in bleaching in Rapid recap conducted in GDC Bangalore. It was attended exam going 3rd year post graduates throughout Karnataka.

As part of the GV Black Week celebration, Dr. Sneha Patil delivered an insightful lecture on “Recent Advances in Isolation” to third year students. The lecture was held on 14th September 2024 at 10:00 AM, was attended by 64 students. The students found the lecture both helpful and interesting, gaining valuable knowledge on the latest techniques and advancements in isolation practices. It was later followed by demonstration of Rubber dam application by Dr Hemalatha Hiremath, Dr Neha Dhaded and Dr Sneha Patil
As a part of GV Black Week celebration, Dr. Sannidhi delivered an insightful lecture on “Access Cavity Preparation: Conventional vs. Minimally Invasive”. The lecture was held on 14th September 2024 at Protho Gallery Hall, KLE VKIDS to a group of third-year undergraduate dental students. The lecture provided a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of access cavity preparation in endodontics, exploring both conventional techniques and the newer, minimally invasive approaches. The lecture was followed by an interactive discussion between Dr Anand C Patil. Dr Sunita Shivanand, postgraduate students (1st and 2nd year) and the 3rd-year undergraduate students, promoting a dynamic learning environment.
The department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics celebrated Dr G V Black Week on 9th to 14th Sept 2024 . Dr Niranjan Vatkar delivered a Lecture and conducted Hands on workshop titled “Compo Finisher ” on 21 st & 22 nd Aug 2024. The event was attended by 25 post graduate students. The workshop was well appreciated by the students as it was a complete go through about the anterior and posterior composite
and its clinical application.
The department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics celebrated Dr G V Black Week on 9th to 14th Sept 2024 by arranging an array of programs engaging undergraduates, postgraduates, interns and faculty.
On 12th September, 2024, Dr Mohan Kumar gave a Lecture “Finishing and Polishing Techniques of Composite Restorations.” The lecture was in depth explanation about a finishing and polishing of composite, the targeted audience were post graduate and interns. The lecture was most appreciated by all .The lecture was coordinated by Dr Neha Dhaded.
A Guest Lecture was given by Dr Suresh Shenvi on Root canal treatment at KLE Homeopathy college,
Belagavi, on 1 st August 2024

Workshop “ Systematic review Protocol Development”
Workshop “ Systematic review Protocol Development” on 13 th & 14 th Aug 2024 was attended by Dr
Hemalatha Hiremath ,Dr Sunita Sivanand and Dr Sannidhi Gothe

Poster Competition
Dr Sneha Patil , Dr Sandhya [ Lecturers] and Dr Advait [Intern] participated in Poster Competition on
14 th August, during the anti ragging week

Equipment and Materials
Equipment and Materials
Digital technologies improve diagnostic acumen and treatment outcomes. The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics is equipped with advanced armamentaria like Magnification Loupes, Dental operating microscope, Electronic Apex Locators, Thermoplasticized Obturation Units, RVG – Digital Imaging, Endodontic Microsurgical Kits, Power Bleaching Unit, and Soft tissue laser.
Treatment Modalities
Dr. G V Black Week:
Greene Vardiman Black (1836–1915), commonly known as Dr.G.V. Black, was one of the founders of modern dentistry in the United States. He is also known as the father of operative dentistry. As a part of Commemoration of Dr. G V Black’s birth anniversary and his commendable contributions in the field of Operative Dentistry, the department has been observing “Dr. GV Black week” in the first week of September every year since 2011.He researched many important topics to dentistry, including the cause of dental fluorosis and ideal cavity preparations. One of his many inventions was a foot-driven dental drill. He is also known for his principles of tooth preparations, in which he outlines the proper methods to prepare teeth for fillings.
The phrase, “extension for prevention,” is still famous in the dental community today and represents Black’s idea that dentists should incorporate more grooves and pits than those currently exhibiting decay as a preventive measure against those grooves and pits developing tooth decay in the future, although today ideas have changed and focus much more on minimal intervention. Black published his concepts and ideals in his text Manual of Operative Dentistry in 1896.
The main objectives of this initiative are to:
⦁ Introduce innovative methods of teaching and learning like quiz competitions, lectures and hands-on for the undergraduate, Interns and postgraduate students.
⦁ Motivate the faculty to be resource persons
⦁ Inculcate organizational skills in faculty
36th IACDE National Conference and 21st IACDE National PG Convention
19th – 21st November 2021
The unique opportunity of hosting the 36th IACDE National Conference and 21st IACDE National Postgraduate Convention at Belgaum witnessed a boom of scientific extravaganza. This mega event witnessed orations from two distinguished ‘LUMINEERS’ The ‘G. V. Black Oration’ was delivered by Dr. Arvind Shenoy, a doyen of restorative dentistry and endodontics from Mangalore Karnataka, on the 19th of Nov. 2021. Dr. Vimal Sikri, a reputed author, able administrator, and a teacher of teachers from Amritsar Punjab, delivered the ‘Cohen Oration’ on the 20th of Nov. 2021. It a Dr. Waleed Kurdi from Cairo, Egypt, Dr. Liu Jing Jin, from Jiaxing, China, Dr. Mohamed Salah, from Cairo Egypt was the esteemed international speakers. The event also included a keynote session from 14 National Illustrious leaders and researchers based on their weighted clinical knowledge and academic expertise enriched us during the three days of the conference. Two-panel discussions with eminent panelists and renowned moderators triggered interactions of clinical relevance.
760 student delegates contributed by presenting scientific papers and posters on 17th and 18th November 2021. These papers and posters included a wide-spectra of our curriculum in Conservative Dentistry, Endodontics, Esthetics, and Material Sciences. 14 faculty delegates participated in the paper presentations showcasing their original research and clinical cases. During the long vigorous scientific sessions, the best paper and poster were selected from each session and were awarded. The best paper and poster from all the sessions were selected via a very stringent analytical manner and evaluation criteria approved by the IACDE.
Dr. G V Black Week 2015
11th September – 18th September 2015
Program | Presenter | Audience |
Lecture on “Fibre Post” | Dr.NehaDhaded | IV year |
Lecture on: “Myths In Endodontics” | Dr.Sonal Joshi | Interns |
Lecture on: Caries Prevention | Dr. Sneha Patil | II BDS |
Lecture on: “Diagnostic Aids in Clinical Practice” | Dr.SunitaShivanand | III BDS |
Lecture on: “Surgical Endodontics” | Dr. Anand C. Patil | PG |
Dr G V Black Week 2016
6thto 10thSeptember 2016
Program | Presenter | Audience |
Lecture on “The Most Speculated Controversy- Single Visit or Multiple visit RCT” | Dr.AvinashA.Patil | Interns |
Lecture on: “Access to Apex: going the distance” | Dr. Roopa M Patil | IV BDS |
Interactive Session and Collage competition | Dr.Anand C Patil, Dr. Suresh Shenvi and Dr. Aniket Chavan | II BDS |
Lecture on “Advances in Matricing” | Dr.Sandhya G | III BDS |
Dr G V Black Week 2017
11th TO 16thSeptember 2017
Program | Presenter | Audience |
Quiz Competition | Dr.Anand C Patil, Dr.SureshShevi, Dr. Aniket Chavan | II BDS |
Lecture on “Composite Restoration” | Dr.SnehaPatil | III BDS |
RCT Competition with MCQs | Dr.AvinashA.Patil,Dr.NehaDhaded,Dr.Shavina S Patil
Dr. Sandhya G |
Lecture on “Bleaching of Discolored teeth” | Dr.Sonal B Joshi | Interns |
Hands on “Class I Composite Restoration” | Dr.Sunita S, Dr.SanjanaA.Patil, Dr. Sneha Patil | III BDS |
Dr. G V Black Week 2018
8th to 15th September 2018
Program | Presenter | Audience |
Lecture on Post Endodontics Restoration | Dr. Sneha Patil | IV BDS |
Word Search competition | Dr Sunita Shivanand and Dr ShavinaPatil | II BDS |
Lecture on “Post & Core” | Dr. Preeti Dodwad ,Dr.Sonal Joshi ,
Dr.NehaDhaded |
1st to 4th BDS |
Dr. G V Black Week 2019
10th to 16th September 2019
Programme |
Presenter | Audience/ Participants |
Video presentation” on various dental topics | Dr.Anand C Patil and Dr. Olivia Banerjee | II BDS |
Lecture and Demonstration on “Direct Veneers” | Dr.MateenPeerzadeDr. Suresh Shenvi and Dr.Sonal Joshi | Interns |
Lecture and Demonstration on: “Casting procedures and defects” | Dr.Vaidehi and Dr. Sneha Patil | IV BDS |
Lecture and Demonstration on “Advance matricing Systems” | Dr.Niraj, Dr.Neha, Dr.Shavina, Dr.Avinash and Dr. Preeti | III BDS |
Lecture and Demonstrationon ‘Dental Photography’ by Dr. Vishal Kabre | Dr.AniketChavan and Dr.SunitaShivanand | PGs |
An Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics (IACDE) initiative is a national program celebrated in the first week of March every year since 2017 for creating awareness about the specialty of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics among the students and the general public. Various events during this week are planned. The details are as follows:
Cons Endo Week – 2018
A Guest lecture titled “Practicing safe Endodontics using controlled memory files SC Pro ” followed by a hands-on workshop on the use of SC Pro controlled memory files by Dr. Abhijit Shetty from Mumbai was organized on this occasion. A total of about 120 students including undergraduate and postgraduate students and private practitioners were part of the program. The workshop was attended by 40 Interns, 20 postgraduates, and 5 faculty
Awareness Programs
An awareness program was organized for students (6 to 10th standard) of KLE International School, Belagavi on 4th April 2018. Staff members of the department conducted interactive sessions with students about the importance of the specialty and various clinical situations and emergencies where they can approach an endodontist.
Cons Endo Week – 2019
For Postgraduates:
A total of 6 case presentations were presented by the postgraduates of the department.
For undergraduates:
On 27th March 2019, an e-poster competition was conducted for the final year BDS students. 99 students participated and a total 33 posters on various topics of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics were presented. who presented. A total of 8 winners were selected, two per each session.
Cons Endo Day Celebration – 5th March 2021

- The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics KLE VKIDS, Belagavi celebrated the ‘Cons and Endo Day 2021’ recently, on 5th March 2021.
- The program was initiated with an introduction to Cons Endo Day by Dr. Mateen Peerzade.
- Following which a presentation with audio recording was presented by the post-graduate students regarding “Unwilling of the Myths” in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics.
An awareness program was conducted for the general public at our community radio station KLE’s Venudhwani 90.4FM. regarding “Misconceptions of Root Canal Treatment”
by Dr Mateen Peerzade – In Hindi
Dr Neha Deshpande – In Kannada
Cons Endo Week – 2022
The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics KLE VKIDS KAHER, Belagavi celebrated ‘Cons and Endo Day ’ on 5th March 2022.The programme was initiated with an importance of Cons Endo Day by Dr Sunita Shivanand, The program was inaugurated by the college principle Dr Alka Kale and Dr.Anand Patil Professor addressed the gathering about the events to be conducted throughout the week. A lecture was conducted by Dr Suresh Shenvi on “Scope of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics” for the interns of the institute. The lecture included the role of Conservative Dentist and Endodontist in oral health, the various treatment options one can render as a specialist and carrier opportunities for the students after completing MDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. An awareness program was conducted for general public at our community radio station KLE’s Venudhwani 90.4FM regarding “ Traumatic injuries of tooth” by Dr Aniket Chavan – In Marathi language
A Patient Education video making Competition was conducted for IV Year BDS students. To enhance their skill of learning as team work and grooming their communication skills, better understanding of the subject and structured way of video making. 92 students were divided into 9 teams with 9 different topics for public awareness. Prizes were awarded for the best three videos and best topic suggested by the students
The Department has been hosting and actively participating in the activities of the National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit of the Institute. The details of the activities hosted by the Department from 2015-2020 are as follows:
Event Name | Date | Details |
National Youth Day | 12th January 2015 | A collage Competition was held for undergraduates, interns and P.G’s on the occasion of national Youth Day Celebration. “Youth of today “was the theme for the competition. The total of 12 collage were presented |
National Youth Day | 12th January 2016 | A Face Painting Competition was held for undergraduates, interns and P.G’s on the occasion of national Youth Day Celebration. “Youth”was the theme for the competition. The total of 18 teams comprising of 2 members each participated in the said event. |
Road Safety Week | 4th November 2017 | Undergraduates and Interns were educated about various aspects of road safety |
Sadbhavana Diwas | 22nd August 2018 | Oral Health checkup was done for around 30 Children and they were informed about the treatment needed. The department had collected donations from teaching faculty of the institute. The money collected was utilized to donate a Grinder and cloth stand. |
Dr. S. V Bhagwat Gold Medal for the best outgoing Post-Graduate Student instituted by the alumni of the department in 2011 in honor of the Late Dr. Sharad V Bhagwat who was instrumental in developing the Department since its inception. He was a great teacher and an inspiration for the staff and students.
Dr. Sanjana A. Patil | 2011 |
Dr. Salma Vazeer | 2012 |
Dr. Priyanka Sarangi | 2013 |
Dr. Kiran Ghatole | 2014 |
Dr. Vishwajit Charusia | 2015 |
Dr. Malini Shankar | 2016 |
Dr. V. S. Lakshmi Kant Manoj CH | 2017 |
Dr. Bhavna Gudlavalleti | 2018 |
Dr.Nikita Sudhir | 2019 |
The department has developed various collaborations with institutes and centers of repute to facilitate research activities of the department.
Sl No | Name of the partnering Institution |
1 | The Sinhagad Dental College and Hospital Vadgaon, Pune |
2 | Prabhakar Kore Basic Science Research Centre (BSRC), Belgaum |
3 | Conservative dentistry and Endodontics, Dental materials MCODS, Manipal |
4 | Department of Microbiology, JNMC, Belagavi |
5 | KLE Engineering College, Belgaum |
6 | National Center for Biologic Sciences, Bengaluru |
7 | Department of Dental Materials, Manipal University, Mangalore. |
8 | KLE Institute of Pharmacy, Belagavi |
9 | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bengaluru |
10 | Dept of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. |
11 | Head and Neck CBCT Imaging Center, Belagavi |
12 | National Institute of Oceanography, Panaji, Goa |
13 | Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi |
14 | Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai |
15 | KLE BM Kankanwadi Ayurvedic Medical College, Belagavi |
Our alumni date back to 1991 when the specialty introduced the post-graduation course. We are proud of our alumni who are placed all around the world and serving as clinicians, academicians, mentors, key opinion leaders and also in the armed forces, in various positions and capacities.
Dr .Vibha Hegde, alumni from the 1993 batch is presently the President elect of the IACDE(Indian Academy of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics).
Dr. Savita Shashikiran ( Munavalli), Alumni of 1992 batch is a fedral employee working as program analyst at the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) at the National Institute of Health( NIH). She Promotes Patient safety, focus on quality management and develop communications, compliance and regulatory clinical research policies and guidelines.
Dr Yogesh Gupta an alumni from the 1994 batch is the Principal at Surendra Dental College and Research Institute, Sriganganagar.
Dr. Nikhil Dev Wazir working as Prof & Head of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Institute of Dental Sciences, Sehora, Jammuis also a major and holding a position of company commander in 155 Infantry battalion JAK RIF ( Jammu and Kashmir riffles). His unit took active part in anti-militancy operations and CASO (cordon and search operations) in Jammu and Kashmir. Unit was first to respond to Nagrota attack on 29 Nov 2016 later 9 Para took over and all 3 militants were neutralized.
Dr Nikhil Dev Wazir working as Prof & Head of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Institute of Dental Sciences, Sehora, Jammu. I went for schoolings in Sainik School Nagrota Jammu, so always had a thing in my heart for the uniform.At the age of 42 I took up the Exams of Territorial Army, cleared written as well as SSB and Medicals, and got commissioned in 155 Infantry battalion JAK RIF ( Jammu and Kashmir riffles) as a lieutenant. My unit took active part in anti-militancy operations and CASO (cordon and search operations) in Jammu and Kashmir. Unit was first to respond to Nagrota attack on 29 Nov 2016 later 9 Para took over and all 3 militants were neutralized. Currently I am a major and holding a position of company commander
Alumni of batch 1998
Department of conservative dentistry and endodontist, KLE VK institute of dental sciences,Belagavi is well known for its contemporary design with modern dental units, a separate radiographic room, separate magnification room, latest instruments and advance dental materials.
The department is endowed with a dedicated and experienced staff, all of whom are committed with education knowledge, patient care and research.
Department is reallywell organized and does quality dental treatment procedures ensures a regular flow of patients.Italso arranges extracurricular programs, various workshops, etc so students dont always be involved in studies but also enjoy studying.
Department of conservative dentistry and endodontist, KLE VK institute of dental sciences,Belagavi is well known for its contemporary design with modern dental units, a separate radiographic room, separate magnification room, latest instruments and advance dental materials.
The department is endowed with a dedicated and experienced staff, all of whom are committed with education knowledge, patient care and research.
Department is reallywell organized and does quality dental treatment procedures ensures a regular flow of patients.Italso arranges extracurricular programes,various workshops, etc so
Dr BhavnaGudlavalleti
Gold Medalist (Batch 2015-2018)
MDS Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Without any debate, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research remains along with its surrounding hospitals in the campus a renowned and an unparalleled educational hub in city of Belagavi, Karnataka.The dental wing KLE VishwanathKatti Institute of Dental Sciences is a pioneer powerhouse which brings endless reservoir of knowledge and mentorship to our fingertips. It helped me explore every exciting opportunity in imbibing, enhancing and strengthening my skills as a post graduate in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics.
The regular schedule of speciality and interdisciplinary talks, seminars, and conferences in our campus by National and International speakers with cutting edge research knowledge played a key role.I am truly privileged and blessed to be able to get the emphasized and transparent guidance of my dear mentor Dr Avinash A. Patil sir with all his insights and expertise advice at every step of my post graduation. I remain forever grateful to all the faculty and the support team of Dept.of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics who mentored and made me feel absolutely warm and comfortable during all my stay for successful academic completion.The sprawling several acres of green campus with its student conducive facilities like our Library a privileged bank of knowledge, Wifi, various cafes, salons, sports grounds, and swimming pools gave a fresh dimension to kickstart every new day. Overall my experience at KLE as a post-graduate has been a very special and an important chapter to cherish.