Sl. No. Year Name of the Faculty Name of the Conference Topic Award
1 2010 Dr. Shaila Kothiwale, Professor Indian Society of Periodontology 35th National Conference -2010 held at Bangalore Paper presentation –Basic Research category 1st Prize
2 2012 Dr. ShailaKothiwale, Professor 13 & 14 October 2012 At K.L.E. University Belgaum9th International Conference on Geriatric Care  Assessment of Periodontal Status And Treatment Needs of Geriatric Population In Belgaum District 1stprize
3 2012 Dr. Shaila Kothiwale, Professor Organized by Bright International conferences & events, Hyderabad, Indian on 12& 13 December 2012. At Leonia International Convention Centre, Hyderabad Periodontal regeneration and tissue engineering. “Best Speaker” at Biofest 2012


Sl No Year Name of the Students Name of the Conference Title Prize
1. 2015 Dr. MugdhaGharat

Dr. PoojaNaik

Workshop on Changing Concepts in Implant Dentistry

21st & 22nd November hosted by K.L.E.VK. Institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi

Poster on “ Evolution of dental implant surfaces” 2nd Prize
2. 2015 Dr. JyotiAjbani Poster presented on “ Laser assisted osseointegration” 1st Prize
3. Dr. MehulShinde Presented paper on “zygomatic implants” 2nd Prize
4. Dr. PriyankaIyer Presented paper on “Periodontio-integrated implant: A revolutionary concept” 1st Prize
5. 2018 Dr. Megh Bhagirath Mehta, PG Student (2016-2019) was honored with “Special Jury Award – Student of the year (Post Graduate)”and nominated for “Budding Dentist Of the Year “at Famdent Excellence in Dentistry Awards 2018 on December 09, 2018 at Mumbai.