SL No. Name of Author Title of The Paper Name of the Journal National/International Publication Details(Year, Vol, Issue, Page No.) Impact Factor Indexing Agencies Scopus/ Web of Science / PubMed/

UGC care

1 Riddhi S. Joshi
Niraj S. Gokhale
Shivayogi M. Hugar
Sanjana Soneta
Chandrashekhar Maruti Badakar1
Nivedita Saxena
Longevity of Stainless Steel Crowns on Primary Molars ‑ A Systematic Review and Meta‑Analysis Journal of the Scientific Society | National 2023;50:28-38. Web of Science
2 Neha Kohli
Shivayogi M Hugar
Sanjana P Soneta
Nivedita Saxena
Chandrashekhar M Badakar
Krishna S Kadam
Assessment of perception about oral habits in children among healthcare professionals: A cross sectional study Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, DOI: International 2022; 51(2): 196-203 Scopus
3 Sanjana P Soneta1 ,
Shivayogi M Hugar2 ,
Seema Hallikerimath3 ,
Riddhi S Joshi4 ,
Pooja K Dialani5 ,
Neha Kohli6
An In Vivo Evaluation of Retention and Antibacterial Efficacy of Posterior High Strength Glass Ionomer Cement and Glass Hybrid Bulk-fill Alkasite Restorative Material as Conservative Adhesive Restoration in Children with Mixed Dentition: A Comparative Study Int J Clin Pediatr Dent

doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-2435

International 2022;15(5):529–534 Scopus,


4 Krishna S. Kadam, Niraj S. Gokhale, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Riddhi Joshi, Nivedita Saxena, Neha Kohl Success Rate of Reimplantation of Avulsed Primary Anterior Teeth in Children: A Systematic Review J Sci Soc

DOI: 10.4103/jss.jss_64_22

National 2022;49:233-41 Web of Science
5 Dr. Shweta Kajjari1 ,
Dr. Vanishree B.K2 ,
Dr. Rooposhi Saha3 ,
Mrs.Sanjivani L.Mane4 ,
Dr. Snehal Chandrashekhar Taru5 ,
Dr. Chaitanya Uppin
Comparative assessment of centralization ability and canal transportation of root canals prepared with three commercially available pediatric rotary files-An in-vitro study Journal of European Chemical Bulletin. International 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 14006-14010 Scopus
6 Bhuvanesh Nitin Bhusari1 , *Shivayogi M Hugar2 , Chandrashekhar Badakar3 , Neha Kohli1 , Nivedita Saxena1 , Sanika Karmarkar1 Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practices regarding emergency management of dental trauma in children among school teachers: A crosssectional questionnaire study Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, International 2023: 52(2): 161-168 Scopus
7 Deepa Metgud1 , Nivedita Saxena2 , Shivayogi M. Hugar3*, Richa Laheri4 , Neha Kohli3 Evaluation of the synergistic effect of physiotherapy and preventive dental treatment on drooling in children with special healthcare needs Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics International  | July 2023 | Vol 10 | Issue 7 Page 1113 Pubmed
8 Krishna S. Kadam, Niraj S. Gokhale, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Neha Kohli, Suneel Dodamani, Shivani Tendulkar Comparative evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of chlorhexidine mouthwash and Momordica charantia, Spinacia oleracea mouthwash against Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus spp., and Porphyromonas gingivalis − An in vitro study 2023 Journal of Orofacial Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medknow National Journal of Orofacial Sciences ¦ Volume 15 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-June 2023
9 Bhuvanesh Nitin Bhusari, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Neha Kohli, Sanika Karmarkar, Niraj Gokhale, Nivedita Saxena Comparative evaluation of anxiety level during restorative treatment using no music, monaural beats, and binaural auditory beats as audio distraction behavior guidance technique in children aged 6–12 years: A randomized clinical trial 2023 Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry | Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medknow National Volume 41 | Issue 2 | April-June 2023 PMID: 37635475



10 Varunika V Sahai1 , *Shivayogi M Hugar2 , Neha Kohli1 , Bhuvanesh N Bhusari1 , Chaitanya Uppin3 , Krishna R Kajave1 Assessment of perception of oral healthcare professionals in management of medical emergencies in children: A cross-sectional study Assessment of perception of oral healthcare … Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, International 2023; 52(3): 322-329 Scopus
11 Nivedita Saxena, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Pooja K. Dialani, Neha Kohli, Shweta Kajjari, Niraj S. Gokhale Comparative evaluation of postoperative pain after single sitting pulpectomy using hand and rotary instrumentation in primary molars of children – A randomized control study 2023 Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU | Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medknow National Volume 16, Issue 3, September-December 2023
12 Dr. Shweta Kajjari1 , Dr. Vanishree B.K2 , Dr. Rooposhi Saha3 , Mrs.Sanjivani L.Mane4 , Dr. Snehal Chandrashekhar Taru5 , Dr. Chaitanya Uppin6 Comparative assessment of centralization ability and canal transportation of root canals prepared with three commercially available pediatric rotary files-An in-vitro study Eur. Chem. Bull.

2023 Special Issue

International 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), Scopus
13 Triveni M Nalawade1 , Kishore G Bhat2 , Alka D Kale3 , Suma Sogi4 , Shivayogi M Hugar5 , Vijay M Kumbar6 , Rachappa M Mallikarjuna7 Evaluation of Presence of Enterococcus faecalis in Root Canals of Deciduous Molars with Necrotic Pulp by Agar Culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, International Volume 00 Issue 00 (xxxx 2023) PubMed


Sl. No. Title of paper Name/s of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of the journal Year of publicat
1 Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Regarding Child Abuse and Neglect among Members of Different Occupations in Belagavi:A Questionnaire Study Chandrashekhar Badakar, A. Gowtham, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Niraj S. Gokhale, Rucha Davalbhakta, Shreyas Shah Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal of Pedodontics Rehabilitation 2020
2 Assessment of Dentists Perception of the oral Health care towards child with Special Health Care Needs- A cross sectional study. Shivayogi M. Hugar, Sanjana P. Soneta, Niraj S. Gokhale, Chandrashekhar Badakar, Riddhi S. Joshi, Rucha N. Davalbhakta Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal Of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2020
3 Comparative evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of green coffee bean extract mouthwash and chlorhexidine mouthwash against Streptococcus mutants and Lactobacilli spp. – An in vitro study Gowtham, Chandrashekhar M. Badakar, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Niraj S. Gokhale, Rucha N. Davalbhakta, Riddhi Joshi Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research 2020
4 Effect of Music Distraction in Managing Anxious Paediatric Dental Patients- A Review Priya Meharwade1, Shreya Chindak2, Shweta Kajjari3, Chaitanya Uppin 4, Shivayogi M Hugar5, Chandrashekar Badakar6 Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.
5 Assessment of knowledge and attitude toward informed consent and assent for biomedical research involving children among health‑care professionals in Belagavi city: A questionnaire study Vidyavathi H. Patil, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Niraj S. Gokhale, Shweta Kajjari, Nivedita Saxena, Pooja K. Dialani Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 2021
6 Bridging the communication gap in autistic children, one picture at a time Priya Meharwade a,*, Havisha Nookala b, Shweta Kajjari c, Pooja Malavalli c,Shivayogi M. Hugar c, Chaitanya Uppin c Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 2021
7 Infected Radicular Cyst of Deciduous Second Molar
Mimicking Dentigerous Cyst of Second Premolar in a Young
Child: A Rare Entity
Shweta Kajjari1, A Gowtham2, Priya Meharwade3, Chaitanya Uppin4, Shivayogi M Hugar5, Chandrashekhar Badakar6 Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2021
8 Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Alum and Herbal Mouth rinses on Plaque Inhibition in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial BK Vanishree1, Chidanandeswara Gangadharaiah2, Shweta Kajjari3, Bharath V Sundararajan4, Nisarga Kansar5 Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2021
9 Comparative evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of conventional glassionomer cement and bulkfill alkasite material when combined with doxycyclineand double antibiotic paste containing ciprofloxacin and metronidazole against Streptococcus mutans andLactobacillus spp.: An in vitro study Riddhi Shripad  Joshi, Niraj S Gokhale, Shivayogi M Hugar, Sanjana P Soneta,Chandrashekhar M Badakar, Vidyavathi H Patil Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive entistry Volume 38 | Issue 4361-366October-December 2020 2021
10 Comparative evaluation of root ZX Mini® apex locator and radiovisiography in determining the working length of primary molars: An In Vivo study Rucha N. Davalbhakta, Niraj S. Gokhale *, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Chandrashekhar M. Badakar,A. Gowtham, Sanjana P. Soneta Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 2021
11 Assessment of knowledge and attitude toward informed consent and assent for biomedical researchinvolving children among health care professionals in Belagavi city: A questionnaire study Vidyavathi H. Patil, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Niraj S. Gokhale, Shweta Kajjari, Nivedita Saxena,Pooja K. Dialani Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry 2021
12 Chairside endodontic management of a child with fibrodysplasia ossificansprogressiva Bariker R., Hugar S. Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 2021
13 A Comparative Evaluation of Remineralizing Potential of Commonly Used Fluoridated Toothpaste, Herbal Toothpaste, Toothpaste with Zinc Hydroxyapatite, and Toothpaste with Calcium Sucrose Phosphate in Children: A Scanning Electronic Microscopic Study Sanjana P Soneta1, Shivayogi M Hugar2, Seema Hallikerimath3, Niraj Gokhale4, Riddhi Shripad Joshi5, Chaitanya Uppin6 Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2022
14 Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices about Paediatric Dental Apps among Paediatric Dentists in India: A Questionnaire-based, Cross-sectional Study Krishna Sandeep Kadam, Niraj Satish Gokhale, Shivayogi Mallappa Hugar, Ridd hi Shripad Joshi, Neha Kohli, Pooja Kishore Dialani Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2022
15 Antimicrobial Efficacy of Chlorhexidine and Herbal Mouth Rinse on Salivary Streptococcus mutans in Children with Mixed Dentition: A Randomized Crossover Study Shreyas V Shah1, Chandrashekhar M Badakar2, Shivayogi M Hugar3, Seema Hallikerimath4, Gowtham K5,

Madhura V Mundada6

Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2022
16 Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices about Dental Home among Healthcare Professionals of Belagavi City: A Cross-sectional Study Nivedita Saxena1, Shivayogi M Hugar2, Vidyavathi Patil3, Niraj S Gokhale4, Riddhi S Joshi5, Pooja K Dialani6 Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2022
17 A Comparative Evaluation of Remineralizing Potential of Commonly Used Fluoridated Toothpaste, Herbal Toothpaste, Toothpaste with Zinc Hydroxyapatite, and Toothpaste with Calcium Sucrose Phosphate in Children: A Scanning Electronic Microscopic Study Sanjana P Soneta1, Shivayogi M Hugar2, Seema Hallikerimath3, Niraj Gokhale4, Riddhi Shripad Joshi5, Chaitanya Uppin6 Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2022
18 Evaluation of the Effect of Probiotic Yogurt Consumption on Salivary pH, Buffering Capacity and Calcium Level in 6–12-year-old Children: An In Vivo Study Pooja L Malavalli1, Sowmya B Shetty2, Charisma Thimmaiah3, Ashwida Ramlan4, Shivayogi M Hugar5, Priya Meharwade6 Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2022
19 Evaluation of the Treatment Protocols in the Management of Pulpally Involved Young Permanent Teeth in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Nivedita Saxena1, Shivayogi M Hugar2, Sanjana P Soneta3, Riddhi S Joshi4, Pooja K Dialani5, Niraj Gokhale6 Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2022

Details of the publication

Sl. No.

Name and address of  the Author Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Vol/Issue Page no Year Index

Impact factor

1 Chandrashekhar Badakar, A. Gowtham, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Niraj S. Gokhale, Rucha Davalbhakta, Shreyas Shah Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Regarding Child Abuse and

Neglect among Members of Different Occupations in Belagavi:

A Questionnaire Study

International Journal of Pedodontics Rehabilitation ¦ Volume 5 ¦ Issue 1: 7-9 2020
2 Shivayogi M. Hugar, Sanjana P. Soneta, Niraj S. Gokhale, Chandrashekhar Badakar, Riddhi S. Joshi, Rucha N. Davalbhakta Assessment of Dentists Perception of the oral Health care towards child with Special Health Care Needs- A cross sectional study. International Journal Of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Volume 13 Issue 3 240-245 May–June 2020) Medline Scopus,


3 Gowtham A,Chandrashekhar Badakar,Shivayogi M Hugar,Niraj S Gokhale  Rucha N Davalbhakta,Riddhi Joshi Comparative evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of Green coffee bean extract mouthwash and Chlorhexidine mouthwash against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp.: An in vitro study Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU Volume 13 Issue 2 147-153


May-August 2020
4 Dr. Charisma Thimmaiah, Dr. Priya Shetty K. , Dr.Sowmya , Dr. Nayanika Naik , Dr. Pooja L Malavalli, Dr. Dharnappa Poojary, Dr. Rashmi KS ,Dr.Alok Dubey Evaluation of Postgraduate Students’ Attitude towards treatment of children with special needs Thimmaiah et al (2020): Vol. 23 Issue 19 Nov 2020
5 Priya Meharwade, Shreya Chindak, Shweta Kajjari, Chaitanya Uppin, Shivayogi M Hugar, Chandrashekar Badakar Effect of Music Distraction in Managing Anxious Paediatric Dental Patients- A Review Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Vol-15(2 ZE01-ZE03 2021 Feb,): WEB OF SCI
6 Rucha N. Davalbhakta, Niraj S. Gokhale *, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Chandrashekhar M. Badakar, A. Gowtham, Sanjana P. Soneta Comparative evaluation of root ZX Mini® apex locator and radiovisiography in determining the working length of primary molars: An In Vivo study Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 11 () 257–262 Feb 2021
7 Riddhi Shripad Joshi, Niraj S Gokhale, Shivayogi M Hugar, Sanjana P Soneta, Chandrashekhar M Badakar, Vidyavathi H Patil Comparative evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of conventional glass ionomer cement and bulk fill alkasite material when combined with doxycycline and double antibiotic paste containing ciprofloxacin and metronidazole against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp.: An in vitro study Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry | Volume 38 | Issue 4 361-366 October-December 2020
8 Vidyavathi H. Patil, Shivayogi M. Hugar, Niraj S. Gokhale, Shweta Kajjari, Nivedita Saxena, Pooja K. Dialani Assessment of knowledge and attitude toward informed consent and assent for biomedical research involving children among health‑care professionals in Belagavi city: A questionnaire study Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Vol-39 Iss-1 16-19 April 23, 2021